How to select ladies

Use our Search Engine if you want to select women according to the criteria you want to see in your future bride from Ukraine (age, height, weight, language ability, etc.)
If you want to select ladies with private email addresses or phone numbers, just tick either boxes "Having Email" or "Having Phone" correspondingly on our Search page.
If you are interested in women from a particular city that you are going to visit soon, enter the name of this city in the box "keywords" and press the "show" button. You'll see the profiles of the ladies from this city.
To watch the newest ukrainian girls' profiles visit out Latest Additions album.

How to get the best results

Write to the ladies from our database only if you are sincere and looking for a life partner. Women from our album pin hopes on you, so please don't try to deceive them
Don't select only our top ladies, on the whole they have higher demands, though it's not always the case. You can see on the ladies' profile pages how many times their addresses have been retrieved so far.
Pay attention to the ladies' age preferences. Though in general Ukraine women marry men that are years older than they are, we don't recommend writing to women who are more than 15 years younger than you. Otherwise, one day you can simply find that you don't have common interests at all.
Use our mail forwarding and translation services for women that don't speak foreign languages and don't have private email addresses. It's not only the fastest but also the safest way to reach ladies from the FSU countries. Besides, we offer a reduced price for addresses if you send your first letter to a lady through our agency.
Write a good detailed letter about yourself and don't forget to attach a high quality photo of yourself. Read our tips about writing letters here.
If you are not so young or feel you have a disadvantage such as being overweight, bald or some disability - go ahead and write to a larger number of ladies and see the ones who still want to meet you. The expense is worth it - you are trying to find a wife, not just a second hand car.
If you haven't got good response from women, analyze your mistakes. Usually men make the three main mistakes: they write to too few women, they send poor quality photos, their letters are badly written.